27 mar 2012

Mountains mas High of Mexico

1. Orizaba's beak (It Populates and Veracruz) - Altitude: 5,702 m. Orizaba's beak or volcano Citlaltépetl is the highest summit of Mexico: it reaches 5.610 m of altitude. The form of this volcano approaches the conical classic one and his summit is always covered with snow. He presents a great number of small volcanic reliefs around it.

2. Popocatépetl - Altitude: 5,452 m (Mexico, Them Dwell and It Populates). Still assets, it raises in the mountain chain Neovolcánica, to the south-east of the city of Mexico. It constitutes the second major elevation of the country. In one of his hillsides, populated by forests of coniferous, one finds an adventitious crater known as the beak of the Ventorrillo. His top covered by perpetual snow, was crowned by the first time in 1520, by an expedition supervised by Diego de Ordás.

3. Iztaccíhuatl - Altitude: 5,282 m (Mexico, It Populates). Nevada raises in the Mexican saw, to 70 km to the south-east of the city of Mexico. It constitutes the third major elevation of the country. His name was given him by the Aztecs, who lived this zone between the XIVth and XVIth century, and he presents a form that remembers the body of a woman, with three eminences that they would correspond to the head, to the chest and to the feet.